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There have been several missions to Mars, slowly building up the case that the Red Planet was once warmer, wetter, and more habitable.
There have been several missions to Mars, slowly building up the case that the Red Planet was once warmer, wetter, and more habitable. To find evidence of past and even current microbial life will require new experiments, instruments, and techniques. In a new paper, researchers propose that Deception Island in Antarctica is one of the best places on Earth to practice for the exploration of Mars. More than 30 sites on the island correspond to places on Mars.
The potential of Deception Island, Antarctica, as a multifunctional Martian analogue of astrobiological interest | International Journal of Astrobiology | Cambridge Core
The potential of Deception Island, Antarctica, as a multifunctional Martian analogue of astrobiological interest - Volume 24
Cambridge Core (www.cambridge.org)