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On April 20th, NASA's Lucy mission will come within 960 km of the asteroid Donald Johanson, completing another appetizer of science before it reaches its destination in Jupiter's Trojan belt.
On April 20th, NASA's Lucy mission will come within 960 km of the asteroid Donald Johanson, completing another appetizer of science before it reaches its destination in Jupiter's Trojan belt. It's a tiny moving point of light today, but over the next few months, it will get bigger and bigger until Lucy can resolve features on its 3-km-wide surface. The asteroid was named for anthropologist Donald Johanson, who discovered the original "Lucy" skeleton.
NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft Takes Its 1st Images of Asteroid Donaldjohanson - NASA
NASA’s Lucy spacecraft has its next flyby target, the small main belt asteroid Donaldjohanson, in its sights. By blinking between images captured by
NASA (www.nasa.gov)