⚾️ Immaculate Grid 684 9/9:
️ Immaculate Grid 684 9/9:
Rarity: 5
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#immaculategrid x #baseballThis went well. Frey, Jefferson, and Cameron are my Reds nonsense. Arquimedez Pozo is my love of odd names.
Javier Vazquez was really good and people don’t remember him much. He was ace of my only champion fantasy team.
Reggie Jefferson is a Tallahassee native and hit .300 everywhere he went . . . except for the Reds.
Yankees 2B makes me think of Jack Reacher.
️ Immaculate Grid 684 9/9:
Rarity: 5
Play at:
#immaculategrid x #baseballThis went well. Frey, Jefferson, and Cameron are my Reds nonsense. Arquimedez Pozo is my love of odd names.
Javier Vazquez was really good and people don’t remember him much. He was ace of my only champion fantasy team.
Reggie Jefferson is a Tallahassee native and hit .300 everywhere he went . . . except for the Reds.
Yankees 2B makes me think of Jack Reacher.
@ArthurCopeland4 oh my .. that’s a stellar grid .. I’m not familiar with that Mariners 2B
@ArthurCopeland4 oh my .. that’s a stellar grid .. I’m not familiar with that Mariners 2B
@seaks Pozo played in only 1 game with Seattle, in 1995. Then he had a couple cups of coffee with Boston. I only remember him because of the great name and he was a failed prospect.
Arquimedez Pozo and Aristides Aquino and Socrates Brito and Terrmel Sledge all occupy the same weird-names spot in my brain; although Sledge is also a guy I remember seeing in the minors in Harrisburg, PA.
@seaks Pozo played in only 1 game with Seattle, in 1995. Then he had a couple cups of coffee with Boston. I only remember him because of the great name and he was a failed prospect.
Arquimedez Pozo and Aristides Aquino and Socrates Brito and Terrmel Sledge all occupy the same weird-names spot in my brain; although Sledge is also a guy I remember seeing in the minors in Harrisburg, PA.
@ArthurCopeland4 city island! My first ever concert was there when as a ten year old my brother took me to see Nugent lol
@ArthurCopeland4 city island! My first ever concert was there when as a ten year old my brother took me to see Nugent lol
@seaks Yes, City Island! Seemed a nifty place to have a ballpark. I remember there being a Ferris Wheel next to the OF, but this was 25 years ago, so I could be wrong.