There are not people who are "150 years old collecting social security checks"
There are not people who are "150 years old collecting social security checks"
But, this effort by a billionaire to generate resentment against imaginary people getting a few hundred measly bucks is transparent. Trying to make all people who use the social security checks they EARNED and paid for out to be moochers
Why are some people so foolish to hate an (imaginary) ordinary person for having a little? This is welfare queens with Cadillacs all over again.
There are not people who are "150 years old collecting social security checks"
But, this effort by a billionaire to generate resentment against imaginary people getting a few hundred measly bucks is transparent. Trying to make all people who use the social security checks they EARNED and paid for out to be moochers
Why are some people so foolish to hate an (imaginary) ordinary person for having a little? This is welfare queens with Cadillacs all over again.
This is why people jumping the turn styles in the subway gets so much press ... and no one asks "why are there people so broke they feel the need to do that?" and "why isn't pubic transportation (free per use) for everyone?"
I guess it's just easier to resent those who are similar to ourselves than the people who live with wealth that isn't easy to even comprehend.
There are not people who are "150 years old collecting social security checks"
But, this effort by a billionaire to generate resentment against imaginary people getting a few hundred measly bucks is transparent. Trying to make all people who use the social security checks they EARNED and paid for out to be moochers
Why are some people so foolish to hate an (imaginary) ordinary person for having a little? This is welfare queens with Cadillacs all over again.
@futurebird As a German I was surprised by the CN but I am glad you talk about social security
@futurebird As a German I was surprised by the CN but I am glad you talk about social security
Given the way things are going it could be either SS around here jeeeeez.
I am so sick of these clowns and every person lacking the will to tell them "no" when they overstep their bounds.
I really hope I don't have to leave this country. I like it here generally.
There are not people who are "150 years old collecting social security checks"
But, this effort by a billionaire to generate resentment against imaginary people getting a few hundred measly bucks is transparent. Trying to make all people who use the social security checks they EARNED and paid for out to be moochers
Why are some people so foolish to hate an (imaginary) ordinary person for having a little? This is welfare queens with Cadillacs all over again.
@futurebird It amazes me the extent to which people will just believe the pronouncements of a proven habitual liar like they have amnesia for all the other things they lied about
@futurebird It amazes me the extent to which people will just believe the pronouncements of a proven habitual liar like they have amnesia for all the other things they lied about
It's easy and tempting for all of us to believe what we WANT to be true is true when someone tell us the thing that we always suspected.
I try to remember this and not do it when I can but it's frustrating when there are so many people who just don't really like the other people who are basically in the same boat as all of us.