I have to thank the fedi, the advice I've gotten here has helped me to improve #PicaTheCat 's health.
I have to thank the fedi, the advice I've gotten here has helped me to improve #PicaTheCat 's health. She has gained so much weight, looks years younger. Her yowling has decreased. But, it has not stopped.
She still has moments in the night where she starts crying. If I call her, or go find her seeing me or my husband makes her stop. She starts purring and just wants to be held for a long time.
My impression is she's feeling sick, scared & can't find us. She's 17 years old.
I have to thank the fedi, the advice I've gotten here has helped me to improve #PicaTheCat 's health. She has gained so much weight, looks years younger. Her yowling has decreased. But, it has not stopped.
She still has moments in the night where she starts crying. If I call her, or go find her seeing me or my husband makes her stop. She starts purring and just wants to be held for a long time.
My impression is she's feeling sick, scared & can't find us. She's 17 years old.
Of course with cats there is the danger that they will do things like make a lot of noise because they like how humans react (eg. coming to pick her up) But, I've tried long periods of not responding: she just keeps making noise. When I've managed to see her when she's yowling she looks sort of off in her own world it's not like she's making noise and waiting eagerly to see how the "staff" will respond. So, I generally just gather her up as this seems to make her feel better.
Of course with cats there is the danger that they will do things like make a lot of noise because they like how humans react (eg. coming to pick her up) But, I've tried long periods of not responding: she just keeps making noise. When I've managed to see her when she's yowling she looks sort of off in her own world it's not like she's making noise and waiting eagerly to see how the "staff" will respond. So, I generally just gather her up as this seems to make her feel better.
I think it might be a bit of old age confusion. My best guess is she feels some aches and pains and wakes up and finds she's all alone in the dark and this makes her unhappy.
Her yowling is a little like what a cat that wasn't fixed might do. So I wonder about hormones. The vet says she's now very healthy since we've addressed her hyperthyroidism.
And when she wasn't on the thyroid drug she made a lot more night sounds.
I hope I'm doing the best things for her.
I have to thank the fedi, the advice I've gotten here has helped me to improve #PicaTheCat 's health. She has gained so much weight, looks years younger. Her yowling has decreased. But, it has not stopped.
She still has moments in the night where she starts crying. If I call her, or go find her seeing me or my husband makes her stop. She starts purring and just wants to be held for a long time.
My impression is she's feeling sick, scared & can't find us. She's 17 years old.
my cat howls a lot in the night, but it seems like every cat I've lived with has done that.
If I try to comfort her, she complains, but more quitely.
I have to thank the fedi, the advice I've gotten here has helped me to improve #PicaTheCat 's health. She has gained so much weight, looks years younger. Her yowling has decreased. But, it has not stopped.
She still has moments in the night where she starts crying. If I call her, or go find her seeing me or my husband makes her stop. She starts purring and just wants to be held for a long time.
My impression is she's feeling sick, scared & can't find us. She's 17 years old.
@futurebird she’s not sleeping in the bed with y’all?
@futurebird she’s not sleeping in the bed with y’all?
Sometimes, but she wanders around.