The Jehovas just stopped by for a chat.
The Jehovas just stopped by for a chat. I have such a mixed reaction whenever I see them. The interruption to my day is always jarring, but I've always found their song and dance kind of entertaining. Plus, for some reason my brain loves to "yes, and" them.
Today, I was totally thrown for a loop as my interlopers indirectly explained to me that they were biblical literalists, and saw a day close at hand where all of our ancestors were risen from the grave, and where death was no longer a thing.
Like, right here. On the planet. My mind is blown.
And people think the housing situation is bad *now*!
The Jehovas just stopped by for a chat. I have such a mixed reaction whenever I see them. The interruption to my day is always jarring, but I've always found their song and dance kind of entertaining. Plus, for some reason my brain loves to "yes, and" them.
Today, I was totally thrown for a loop as my interlopers indirectly explained to me that they were biblical literalists, and saw a day close at hand where all of our ancestors were risen from the grave, and where death was no longer a thing.
Like, right here. On the planet. My mind is blown.
And people think the housing situation is bad *now*!
what would the population be
I've spent hours talking to my local witnesses, though mine just want to read weird quotes from their phone at me and seem disappointed that it doesn't "work"
they don't engage in good faith discussion
what would the population be
I've spent hours talking to my local witnesses, though mine just want to read weird quotes from their phone at me and seem disappointed that it doesn't "work"
they don't engage in good faith discussion
Yeah, I don't ever try to actually discuss much with them. For whatever reason, I just kind of gently egg them on.It both keeps them away from the neighbours, and also leads to hearing them occassionally say wild shit.
Plus, it's a good reminder that there are still crazy people out there who think enjoying "hard rock" is a sign of moral weakness.
One of these days it will result in them coming back to follow up - they always threaten to - but it hasn't happened yet.
Yeah, I don't ever try to actually discuss much with them. For whatever reason, I just kind of gently egg them on.It both keeps them away from the neighbours, and also leads to hearing them occassionally say wild shit.
Plus, it's a good reminder that there are still crazy people out there who think enjoying "hard rock" is a sign of moral weakness.
One of these days it will result in them coming back to follow up - they always threaten to - but it hasn't happened yet.
@Kichae I swear they have some kind of CRM back at mission HQ. they do come back eventually - though it be years - and they quote facts about my household at me that they've remembered/recorded, like the name of my dog
e: they referenced my partner as "wife" once and I corrected them to say no, we're living in sin. got a bit of a shock out of them, the poor things
@Kichae I swear they have some kind of CRM back at mission HQ. they do come back eventually - though it be years - and they quote facts about my household at me that they've remembered/recorded, like the name of my dog
e: they referenced my partner as "wife" once and I corrected them to say no, we're living in sin. got a bit of a shock out of them, the poor things
Man, it must take them forever to collect any information at the rate they go through their pitch. For a half hour of their time, they got one personal question in.Don't they know they're supposed to get me to install an app on my phone in exchange for a free sub if they want my personals?