Walking through east midtown around Madison is like being in a luxury shopping mall: fancy stores like blocks of candy or inscrutable gadgets with shiny signs proclaiming brands: PRADA GUCCI you get the idea.
Walking through east midtown around Madison is like being in a luxury shopping mall: fancy stores like blocks of candy or inscrutable gadgets with shiny signs proclaiming brands: PRADA GUCCI you get it.
A couple of lads in tight pants had a cyber truck parked artfully in front of a store. They posed on the strange boxy vehicle in their sunglasses... waiting. And waiting. Facing the street, as if on a stage. I looked for a photographer... but nothing.
Walking through east midtown around Madison is like being in a luxury shopping mall: fancy stores like blocks of candy or inscrutable gadgets with shiny signs proclaiming brands: PRADA GUCCI you get it.
A couple of lads in tight pants had a cyber truck parked artfully in front of a store. They posed on the strange boxy vehicle in their sunglasses... waiting. And waiting. Facing the street, as if on a stage. I looked for a photographer... but nothing.
I really hope they didn't rent it just to take it in into town from NJ to try to pick up girls at the purse shops.
I think that used to be a thing in the oughts. Very dated.
They gave me and my husband a Bronx "up nod" I managed what I suspect was a brittle smile, my husband didn't contain his laughter very well. Poor young guys. Romance is confusing. Someone should write some kind of instruction booklet.
I wonder how *their* day went?
Walking through east midtown around Madison is like being in a luxury shopping mall: fancy stores like blocks of candy or inscrutable gadgets with shiny signs proclaiming brands: PRADA GUCCI you get it.
A couple of lads in tight pants had a cyber truck parked artfully in front of a store. They posed on the strange boxy vehicle in their sunglasses... waiting. And waiting. Facing the street, as if on a stage. I looked for a photographer... but nothing.
Daring someone to try to spray paint it?
I really hope they didn't rent it just to take it in into town from NJ to try to pick up girls at the purse shops.
I think that used to be a thing in the oughts. Very dated.
They gave me and my husband a Bronx "up nod" I managed what I suspect was a brittle smile, my husband didn't contain his laughter very well. Poor young guys. Romance is confusing. Someone should write some kind of instruction booklet.
I wonder how *their* day went?
@futurebird I wonder if they were paid to do that by someone? But then again, I think that every time I see someone pull up anywhere in a cybertruck--surely someone has paid them to look this stupid.
Daring someone to try to spray paint it?
We don't really see them much around NYC. They *really* stick out. (And not in a good way.) You'd blend in better in a chicken suit. (and chat up more "girls" I suspect.)
@futurebird I wonder if they were paid to do that by someone? But then again, I think that every time I see someone pull up anywhere in a cybertruck--surely someone has paid them to look this stupid.
Listen I once got picked up by a nice young man from NJ who rented a porsche. Something in the water there I think that causes this. We really hit it off and I made fun of his car relentlessly which might be why it didn't work out in the end. But, he was a nice guy who studied viruses which is what really got me interested. Still hear from him now and then, turned out to be a good person.
Two decades ago. This can't still be happening.
We don't really see them much around NYC. They *really* stick out. (And not in a good way.) You'd blend in better in a chicken suit. (and chat up more "girls" I suspect.)
Oh, the days when I'd put on my best chicken suit and strut around big cities. What memories.
I really hope they didn't rent it just to take it in into town from NJ to try to pick up girls at the purse shops.
I think that used to be a thing in the oughts. Very dated.
They gave me and my husband a Bronx "up nod" I managed what I suspect was a brittle smile, my husband didn't contain his laughter very well. Poor young guys. Romance is confusing. Someone should write some kind of instruction booklet.
I wonder how *their* day went?
People are writing romance instruction booklets, unfortunately they are manosphere pick up grifters with the other foot in fascism. -
People are writing romance instruction booklets, unfortunately they are manosphere pick up grifters with the other foot in fascism.I feel like were they in chicken suits I'd have a better notion of what they were trying to accomplish. Whatever it was it had to do with getting attention. I think? Which is fine. That is allowed in NYC especially in midtown on a Saturday afternoon.
I really hope they didn't rent it just to take it in into town from NJ to try to pick up girls at the purse shops.
I think that used to be a thing in the oughts. Very dated.
They gave me and my husband a Bronx "up nod" I managed what I suspect was a brittle smile, my husband didn't contain his laughter very well. Poor young guys. Romance is confusing. Someone should write some kind of instruction booklet.
I wonder how *their* day went?
@futurebird speaking of oughts, my mental picture of this is just literally a lonely island bit. Possibly the guys in the "we like sports" video trying to peacock
F myrmepropagandist shared this topic
I feel like were they in chicken suits I'd have a better notion of what they were trying to accomplish. Whatever it was it had to do with getting attention. I think? Which is fine. That is allowed in NYC especially in midtown on a Saturday afternoon.
I am definitely not in their target audience. If they were in chicken suits I would have been closer to their target audience too, I like chickens -
I am definitely not in their target audience. If they were in chicken suits I would have been closer to their target audience too, I like chickensPart of being in your early 20s is not knowing who your "target audience" is or even who you are half of the time.
@futurebird speaking of oughts, my mental picture of this is just literally a lonely island bit. Possibly the guys in the "we like sports" video trying to peacock
There are so many intersecting worlds in this city, and you get these little glimpses into lives of people who are doing something... totally different and alien all of the time. And I kind of love that.
I know that for most people here and for most people I know this situation sounds like some kind of political statement. But I strongly suspect the lads were not thinking of politics at all and might be shocked to find out how they came across.
Listen I once got picked up by a nice young man from NJ who rented a porsche. Something in the water there I think that causes this. We really hit it off and I made fun of his car relentlessly which might be why it didn't work out in the end. But, he was a nice guy who studied viruses which is what really got me interested. Still hear from him now and then, turned out to be a good person.
Two decades ago. This can't still be happening.
@futurebird @carrideen
I had no idea this was a thing. Ever. But I guess it makes sense. Neanderthal boys swinging flashy clubs to get the chicks probably happened too. -
@futurebird @carrideen
I had no idea this was a thing. Ever. But I guess it makes sense. Neanderthal boys swinging flashy clubs to get the chicks probably happened too.I stumbled into it by accident. In my early 20s I liked to walk around and window shop. (Watched "Breakfast at Tiffany's" too many times.) There was this whole thing with guys with rental cars and girls with rental purses. Amazing. Baffling.
The guy I met was a huge nerd in deep cover roped into it by his older (horrible) brother. He saw the book I was carrying and asked about it which is the proper way to pick up a lady IMO.
I stumbled into it by accident. In my early 20s I liked to walk around and window shop. (Watched "Breakfast at Tiffany's" too many times.) There was this whole thing with guys with rental cars and girls with rental purses. Amazing. Baffling.
The guy I met was a huge nerd in deep cover roped into it by his older (horrible) brother. He saw the book I was carrying and asked about it which is the proper way to pick up a lady IMO.
He didn't know I was supposed to have an expensive bag and therefore was not part of ... whatever that was.
But we became friends, and he went off and got his degree and is in CA now and laughs about the idea of renting a car to get girls ... though it seemed very serious to him at the time.
I was just glad someone wanted to talk about science fiction.
He didn't know I was supposed to have an expensive bag and therefore was not part of ... whatever that was.
But we became friends, and he went off and got his degree and is in CA now and laughs about the idea of renting a car to get girls ... though it seemed very serious to him at the time.
I was just glad someone wanted to talk about science fiction.
I'm really glad I met him because it taught me never to write someone off just because they are caught up in doing something that seems superficial and goofy based on your own experience.
There are interesting and nice people who end up "having to" participate in all kinds of absurd social rituals and we all probably have our own, it's just harder to see from the inside.
I really hope they didn't rent it just to take it in into town from NJ to try to pick up girls at the purse shops.
I think that used to be a thing in the oughts. Very dated.
They gave me and my husband a Bronx "up nod" I managed what I suspect was a brittle smile, my husband didn't contain his laughter very well. Poor young guys. Romance is confusing. Someone should write some kind of instruction booklet.
I wonder how *their* day went?
whatever the intent of those who rented the cybertruck , the fascists can always use tesla vehicles for surveillance.