A humpback whale almost swallowed a kayaker but spit him out.
A humpback whale almost swallowed a kayaker but spit him out.
Have you ever had a bug fly in your mouth? Horrible experience. The guilt, the horror.
I expect this was much the same for the whale.
A humpback whale almost swallowed a kayaker but spit him out.
Have you ever had a bug fly in your mouth? Horrible experience. The guilt, the horror.
I expect this was much the same for the whale.
@futurebird about 10 years ago, I saw video of huge northern right whale accidentally scoop up a walrus, and then have to open its mouth back up and push the walrus back out.
A humpback whale almost swallowed a kayaker but spit him out.
Have you ever had a bug fly in your mouth? Horrible experience. The guilt, the horror.
I expect this was much the same for the whale.
When I was in the hospital my husband had to learn how to care for thousands of ants and fast. (With me, heavily sedated, as the teacher. ) He used the aspirator the wrong way and ate one of the girls by mistake.
Our marriage was strong enough to take this. I still love him.
F myrmepropagandist shared this topic
A humpback whale almost swallowed a kayaker but spit him out.
Have you ever had a bug fly in your mouth? Horrible experience. The guilt, the horror.
I expect this was much the same for the whale.
OK this has happened a few times so I start to wonder if these are like ... "teen whales" and it's some kind of dare to gulp one of the trash monkeys?
When I was in the hospital my husband had to learn how to care for thousands of ants and fast. (With me, heavily sedated, as the teacher. ) He used the aspirator the wrong way and ate one of the girls by mistake.
Our marriage was strong enough to take this. I still love him.
@futurebird Wow, he must have some serious redeeming qualities.
@futurebird Wow, he must have some serious redeeming qualities.
I suppose he does.