A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
What's your favorite FPS weapon?
Aww man, Red Faction was an awesome game! Didn’t the rail gun also have an infrared scope that could see through walls?
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
Yup. In multiplayer, I used to blow a crater in the floor with explosives and then sit in the hole with the rail gun, shooting people through the floor.The pepper way to play!
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!Pistol with a pocket full of coins. Uktrakill.
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!Favorite? Fuck if I know But the Gauss Cannon from DOOM 2016? Siege mode? \*CHUNK\* \*GUNK*\ \*beedleedeep\* BOOOOSCHHHHHGGRRRRZZZLLLKK *baron gibs everywhere* The ballista from DOOM Eternal got nothing on it. Also, there were a ton of fun guns from Bulletstorm, the game about stupid but fun guns. The quad barrel shotgun stands out in my memory quite fondly. It’s hard to forget the amazing times to be had with the duel-wielding in Wolfenstein: The New Order. Carrying two of those semi-automatic shotguns in that game meant you could liberate nazis quite enthusiastically from their skin, blood, and organs very quickly, and very cathartically. I need to replay that game. On the subject of nazis, I can’t forget the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from Call of Duty. Yeah, I know it’s Call of Duty, but I got to watch a dozen or so nazis’ heads explode simultaneously while they were paralyzed. That was great. I also think there’s a very strong case to be made that the greatest gun in any FPS game is the one that drives what is arguably the greatest video game ever created: the portal gun. Thinking about multiplayer games is a slightly different beast though. I got so much mileage out of the Cold War in Titanfall 2 - a burst fire, energy impact-grenade launcher. It was so much fun. But moreso than that, I think I loved the Double Take - a projectile-based double-barrel DMR. It took skill to get hits and even more skill to maximize damage by getting a hit with both bullets at the same time, and while flying around the map either jumping off a wall or Spider-maning around with the best-implemented grapple hook in any multiplayer game there was nothing that felt the same.
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!Kar98k from MW2019.
Tank beats everything, but unfortunately it's third-person, so I don't think it counts. Still I don't know, I kinda wanna say I like the DMR better...
Force-a-NatureOoo, that's inspiring. Maybe my answer should be Sasha...
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
Your comment just made me realize that I bought Black Mesa awhile back and never got around to playing it. Thanks for resurrecting a forgotten piece of my Steam library, kind stranger!
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!I always liked double pistols in Serious Sam. They had infinite ammo and felt pretty good to shoot.
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!Halo 2 BR. Sooo many kills, headshots, and memories with that thing.
The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!The cheat weapons from mercenaries. The portable air strike was a great way to kill an entire screen and yourself if you weren't careful. The street sweeper was aptly named.
The Boltgun from Boltgun. It sounds right, it feels right, it purges right. There is something poetic about pulling the trigger and knowing whatever you direct your fully automatic rocket propelled grenade launcher at will explode in a cloud of gore.You need to try Darktide. It's the best bolter in any video game ever. It is massive, it is chunky, the magazines are huge, it makes big clunky mechanical noises every time you ready it, and on full auto it feels like you are unleashing the holy wrath of the Emperor with every round fired.