A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
Hello world!
@testing-ground@community.nodebb.org Will this federate then?
T Testing Ground shared this topic
Yes! https://community.nodebb.org/topic/a087af49-54c1-4f15-a8ca-4c66999f9d7b/hello-world
Nice. Så ser titlen også mere clean ud.
Vores kommentarer her kommer ikke direkte over i tråden dog, er det rigtigt?
Jeg oplever lidt problemer med federation med nodebb.org. Kan være det først dykker op hos dem noget senere
Hali halo
@shifa hej!
@malte Will this show on the remote instance?
@samsapti @testing-ground@community.nodebb.org I wonder if I need to mention the category for the thread to appear. The previous comments haven't shown up on the remote server.