A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
Great moment in game last night.
I've not been playing with my online gaming group for a few months, but when I was, I was playing a sentient gelatinous cube, who's just the happiest and friendliest thing ever. Last night I was able to rejoin, and we managed to pull off a great surprise. The PCs were led into a trap, and suddenly all sorts of oozes and jellies started appearing. The DM did a great description of an ominous, looming gelatinous cube approaching, and one side started to form into a face... Which oozed into a mouth and said.... Which is when I popped into the call and laid on the familiar happy, friendly voice and said a hearty hello and nice to see everyone again! Perfect timing, great build-up, everyone loved it. Such a great theatrical moment.
I've not been playing with my online gaming group for a few months, but when I was, I was playing a sentient gelatinous cube, who's just the happiest and friendliest thing ever. Last night I was able to rejoin, and we managed to pull off a great surprise. The PCs were led into a trap, and suddenly all sorts of oozes and jellies started appearing. The DM did a great description of an ominous, looming gelatinous cube approaching, and one side started to form into a face... Which oozed into a mouth and said.... Which is when I popped into the call and laid on the familiar happy, friendly voice and said a hearty hello and nice to see everyone again! Perfect timing, great build-up, everyone loved it. Such a great theatrical moment.How did you come to play a gelatinous cube? What do the other players play?
How did you come to play a gelatinous cube? What do the other players play?Clearly, the others are playing its snacks.
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