A few weeks back I was complaining about this meme and we had a good discussion about it on here.
@mattmcirvin @futurebird
For some reason I always disliked piecewise linear functions. I wanted to implement some kind of power-law function, ideally including a negative income tax. Something like ‘you get to keep sqrt(ax+c)/x of your money’ so that doubling your take-home means quadrupling your income if you make a lot more than a median income.
Silly, I know.@ThreeSigma @futurebird That's a very math-knower type of a reaction. I kind of feel the same way but I think it's already beyond the point where many policy people will find it comprehensible, let alone the general public.
@ThreeSigma @futurebird That's a very math-knower type of a reaction. I kind of feel the same way but I think it's already beyond the point where many policy people will find it comprehensible, let alone the general public.
@mattmcirvin @ThreeSigma Face it piece-wise functions are tacky. Linear functions are basic.
Piece-wise linear functions are crimes against all things elegant.