A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
https://www.lovenhl.com/1337733/ Shouldn’t the Carolina Hurricanes get credit for trying, rather than scrutiny for how it turned out?
https://www.lovenhl.com/1337733/ Shouldn’t the Carolina Hurricanes get credit for trying, rather than scrutiny for how it turned out? #AndreiSvechnikov #canes #CanesHockey #Carolina #CarolinaHurricanes #CarolinaHurricanesHockey #CauseChaos #EasternConference #hockey #HockeyPlayoffs #Hurricanes #islanders #Isles #MetropolitanDivision #NewYork #NewYorkIslanders #NHL #NhlHockey #NHLPlayoffs #nyi #RodBrind'Amour #SebastianAho #SethJarvis #StanleyCup #StanleyCupPlayoff