Yes, I understand that red baseball cap might mean you are a loyal sports fan or simply enjoy crimson clothing, but I cannot risk being approached by a violent fascist.
Yes, I understand that red baseball cap might mean you are a loyal sports fan or simply enjoy crimson clothing, but I cannot risk being approached by a violent fascist. Be mad at the people who stole the meaning of a red ballcap, not at me for hurriedly crossing the street.
Yes, I understand that red baseball cap might mean you are a loyal sports fan or simply enjoy crimson clothing, but I cannot risk being approached by a violent fascist. Be mad at the people who stole the meaning of a red ballcap, not at me for hurriedly crossing the street.
Hmmmm. As a Cincinnati Reds fan, I may need to look into some variant designs. Does a white cap with red bill set off the same alarms?
The team literally changed their name to “Redlegs” from 1953-1958 because of McCarthyism. “Reds” were dirty commies!