Evil bastard.
Evil bastard.
Trump is demanding 50% of all mineral rights in Ukraine “to pay back the billions spent on Ukraine”.
That’s expropriation.
Zelensky rejected the "deal" of course.
Put sanctions on Trump and his Nazi crew - NOW.
Evil bastard.
Trump is demanding 50% of all mineral rights in Ukraine “to pay back the billions spent on Ukraine”.
That’s expropriation.
Zelensky rejected the "deal" of course.
Put sanctions on Trump and his Nazi crew - NOW.
@MeanwhileinCanada Canada’s Uranium in trade conflict? “United States imported U3O8 and equivalents primarily from Canada, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan” If Canada were to block exports to US, would US block exporting the enriched Uranium the proposed small modular reactors rely on? https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=64444
Evil bastard.
Trump is demanding 50% of all mineral rights in Ukraine “to pay back the billions spent on Ukraine”.
That’s expropriation.
Zelensky rejected the "deal" of course.
Put sanctions on Trump and his Nazi crew - NOW.
Trump says those minerals are worth $500 billion, so he wants $250 billion payback forthe $65 billion which the Biden administration has given towards Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February 2022 (over 3 years ago!), when Trump has done nothing but END his predecessor's support and has contributed nothing. This is nothing less than terrorism.
@MeanwhileinCanada Canada’s Uranium in trade conflict? “United States imported U3O8 and equivalents primarily from Canada, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan” If Canada were to block exports to US, would US block exporting the enriched Uranium the proposed small modular reactors rely on? https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=64444
Who cares. The SMRs are a dumb idea anyway. -
S Jeff McLaughlin shared this topic
Evil bastard.
Trump is demanding 50% of all mineral rights in Ukraine “to pay back the billions spent on Ukraine”.
That’s expropriation.
Zelensky rejected the "deal" of course.
Put sanctions on Trump and his Nazi crew - NOW.
It will take more than words and sanctions to stop this flock of grifters.