hung a new lamp for the living room today.
hung a new lamp for the living room today. It’s a 3D printed moon and making it different colors is more fun than I thought it would be. Needed to put a good anchor in to hold it. It’s a little heavy.
(to be clear I didn't print this. I don't have a printer this big! But I did solder the plug and hang it... and really that was enough!)
hung a new lamp for the living room today. It’s a 3D printed moon and making it different colors is more fun than I thought it would be. Needed to put a good anchor in to hold it. It’s a little heavy.
(to be clear I didn't print this. I don't have a printer this big! But I did solder the plug and hang it... and really that was enough!)
@futurebird now you can pin all the landers going there this coming year
hung a new lamp for the living room today. It’s a 3D printed moon and making it different colors is more fun than I thought it would be. Needed to put a good anchor in to hold it. It’s a little heavy.
(to be clear I didn't print this. I don't have a printer this big! But I did solder the plug and hang it... and really that was enough!)
@cthulku PLA
hung a new lamp for the living room today. It’s a 3D printed moon and making it different colors is more fun than I thought it would be. Needed to put a good anchor in to hold it. It’s a little heavy.
(to be clear I didn't print this. I don't have a printer this big! But I did solder the plug and hang it... and really that was enough!)
OK not to keep bragging about this lamp, but when it is dark in the apartment I can put it on a super dim setting and it looks like the real moon.
I asked for the moon!
And now I have the moon. The moon is mine.
(Gotta film an ant exploring the moon. We will get to that soon enough.)
OK not to keep bragging about this lamp, but when it is dark in the apartment I can put it on a super dim setting and it looks like the real moon.
I asked for the moon!
And now I have the moon. The moon is mine.
(Gotta film an ant exploring the moon. We will get to that soon enough.)
I can see the headlines already: "Titanic Ant Shows Tycho Crater Moonbase The Wonders Of Eusocialism"