Octopussy? Honey Rider? Pussy Galore? Holly Goodhead?
Bond Girl names are just Drag names for straights
Octopussy? Honey Rider? Pussy Galore? Holly Goodhead?
Bond Girl names are just Drag names for straights
Feel the need to mention Plenty O'Toole here which is such a good drag name I am now suddenly convinced there's at least one performer doing it.
Octopussy? Honey Rider? Pussy Galore? Holly Goodhead?
Bond Girl names are just Drag names for straights
That’s “Doctor Goodhead.” She didn’t spend 7 years in Bond Girl Graduate School to be called “Holly.”
Feel the need to mention Plenty O'Toole here which is such a good drag name I am now suddenly convinced there's at least one performer doing it.
If I remember the dialogue correctly:
Her: “Hi, I’m Plenty.”
Bond: “But of course you are.”
Her: “Plenty O’Toole.”
Bond: “Named after your father, perhaps?”
If I remember the dialogue correctly:
Her: “Hi, I’m Plenty.”
Bond: “But of course you are.”
Her: “Plenty O’Toole.”
Bond: “Named after your father, perhaps?”
@ArthurCopeland4 @LilahTovMoon That's as I remember it as well, and all of it jives perfectly with the Bond-girls-as-drag-queens hypothesis.
@ArthurCopeland4 @LilahTovMoon That's as I remember it as well, and all of it jives perfectly with the Bond-girls-as-drag-queens hypothesis.
Damn! I just remembered the time in “Diamonds are Forever” when Blofeld snuck out of the hotel in drag. (“Look what the cat dragged in.”)