I can't stop thinking about someone who lives in one of those houses and works in the data center getting in their car, driving out of the gated community, getting on the freeway and parking on the other side.
You know there are like three species of ants TOPS. No fireflies. No crickets. Nothing. And one of three kinds of ants are the fire ants who are invading the data center. (good tbh)
@futurebird in the data center!!! hahahaha
I can't stop thinking about someone who lives in one of those houses and works in the data center getting in their car, driving out of the gated community, getting on the freeway and parking on the other side.
I don't think anyone would really do that... you'd cut a little hole in that fence, right?
@futurebird a friend of my wife was a teacher at a school here in the Bay Area that years ago had a “all students have to be driven to school” policy.
Even for the family who lived next door to the school.
(We’ve drifted apart and I think she changed jobs but I hope that policy has since changed - my son’s school when he went to a public school actively encouraged walking or biking to school)
@futurebird in the data center!!! hahahaha
A manga about fire ants who live in a data center and have to dodge efforts to eliminate them, but then they discover the internet and rally the world and the other ants in the other data centers to support their cause.
They'd sneak into the break room all the time for snacks. They'd try to go hunting in the suburban moonscape and discover just how isolated they are from the rest of nature. They'd hear tales of a far off forest from an old mantis. Invade some lawns. Good times.
A manga about fire ants who live in a data center and have to dodge efforts to eliminate them, but then they discover the internet and rally the world and the other ants in the other data centers to support their cause.
They'd sneak into the break room all the time for snacks. They'd try to go hunting in the suburban moonscape and discover just how isolated they are from the rest of nature. They'd hear tales of a far off forest from an old mantis. Invade some lawns. Good times.
It'd be called "Invicta"
A manga about fire ants who live in a data center and have to dodge efforts to eliminate them, but then they discover the internet and rally the world and the other ants in the other data centers to support their cause.
They'd sneak into the break room all the time for snacks. They'd try to go hunting in the suburban moonscape and discover just how isolated they are from the rest of nature. They'd hear tales of a far off forest from an old mantis. Invade some lawns. Good times.
@futurebird they can invade the ... DATA!
That concept was in that Simpsons episode where Homer joined the "Stonecutters." I said the same thing.That must be a pattern deep in my mind that this is activating. The notion is so vivid and disturbing.
A manga about fire ants who live in a data center and have to dodge efforts to eliminate them, but then they discover the internet and rally the world and the other ants in the other data centers to support their cause.
They'd sneak into the break room all the time for snacks. They'd try to go hunting in the suburban moonscape and discover just how isolated they are from the rest of nature. They'd hear tales of a far off forest from an old mantis. Invade some lawns. Good times.
@futurebird I remember a story about pharoa ants invading a research? hospital and at one point they find this patch of highly radioactive wall and they figured out th ants had been inbibing radio labeld stuff for DECADES and it had become really concentrated in their nest!
@futurebird a friend of my wife was a teacher at a school here in the Bay Area that years ago had a “all students have to be driven to school” policy.
Even for the family who lived next door to the school.
(We’ve drifted apart and I think she changed jobs but I hope that policy has since changed - my son’s school when he went to a public school actively encouraged walking or biking to school)
@Rycaut @futurebird My city has a rule that all elementary schools have to be walking distance. Middle and High School not so much. Sad to see so many parents driving their kids, but also good to see how many parents walk with their kids to school - and then back home.
@Rycaut @futurebird My city has a rule that all elementary schools have to be walking distance. Middle and High School not so much. Sad to see so many parents driving their kids, but also good to see how many parents walk with their kids to school - and then back home.
I can't stop thinking about someone who lives in one of those houses and works in the data center getting in their car, driving out of the gated community, getting on the freeway and parking on the other side.
I don't think anyone would really do that... you'd cut a little hole in that fence, right?
What an eerie photo, even besides the data center. The front walkways don't go to the sidewalk, they go only from the front door directly to the driveway. There's a sidewalk, but they're not even pretending they're going to use it. (Though surely some of them go for a walk? Or walk their dogs?)
What an eerie photo, even besides the data center. The front walkways don't go to the sidewalk, they go only from the front door directly to the driveway. There's a sidewalk, but they're not even pretending they're going to use it. (Though surely some of them go for a walk? Or walk their dogs?)
Those rooflines look like something out of the sims. They aren't really house shaped houses?
What it makes me think of is space habitats. These huge spaces enclosed with no regard for what the exterior looks like.
Those rooflines look like something out of the sims. They aren't really house shaped houses?
What it makes me think of is space habitats. These huge spaces enclosed with no regard for what the exterior looks like.
I was thinking of the Sims when I was looking at them! Like, "I could build that house, hmmm...." But I'd give them walkways to the sidewalk.
Yes, space habitats! Was it Asimov who had that short story about folks transporting from their (suburban-style) homes to wherever they wanted to go, and the little boy main character was considered a weirdo because he wanted to go outside and walk to school? (This was in a setting with a breathable atmosphere.) I was thinking about that one as well. Super creepy.
I can't stop thinking about someone who lives in one of those houses and works in the data center getting in their car, driving out of the gated community, getting on the freeway and parking on the other side.
I don't think anyone would really do that... you'd cut a little hole in that fence, right?
@futurebird Had a similar situation growing up, except the data centre was my school and someone had installed a gate into the fence long before my time. Sometimes it took new teachers a few months to figure out why a handful of kids would just appear out of nowhere in the morning and disappear in the afternoon despite them vigilantly watching the car drop-off area
You know there are like three species of ants TOPS. No fireflies. No crickets. Nothing. And one of three kinds of ants are the fire ants who are invading the data center. (good tbh)
@futurebird @barrygoldman1 100% - what's that species of fire ant that just loves getting into breaker panels and such? (or is it a more general characteristic?)
It'd be called "Invicta"
Issue Titles
1. Mother
2. Picnic
3. Breakroom
4. Cyberants
5. Suburbia
6. 404
7. The Mantis
8. The Revolution
9. The Forest
10. Beyond -
@futurebird @barrygoldman1 100% - what's that species of fire ant that just loves getting into breaker panels and such? (or is it a more general characteristic?)
@draeath @futurebird probly a few of them. red imported fire ant in particular likes nesting in trucks, so they spread qucikly!
story here
Walter Tschinkel: The Fire Ants -
@draeath @futurebird probly a few of them. red imported fire ant in particular likes nesting in trucks, so they spread qucikly!
story here
Walter Tschinkel: The Fire AntsI now need to draw a fire ant trucker girl in a plaid shirt and ball cap bonding with a leafcutter major over "hauling"