A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
Game Day Thread - Feb 20th - 4 Nations Final
Like for all of the first line or two, then they got drowned out by people singing along. And honestly it only sounded like a hundred or so were doing it. Boston folks stepped up.Thanks. Good to hear
Thanks. Good to hearYeah it was refreshing. I'm so over the cringe shit that this reality is.
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.Ita going to be hard to go from this, to like, regular season game number 55 or whatever. Sigh
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.Omfg this game
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.OT it is. Crossing my fingers Canada pulls this one out of the bag.
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.Seems appropriate this epic tournament should go to extra innings
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.Let's go
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.I mean...
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.Canada wins!!!!!
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.Fuck yeah! McDavid with the winner!
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.Damn. How you gonna leave McDavid wide open like that? GG Canada
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.Missiles launching in 45 mins...
Damn. How you gonna leave McDavid wide open like that? GG CanadaYeah right? Like how is just there in a perfect spot with no one anywhere near him? Well it happened and it went as they should expect if they do that.
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.That was a great game. As a Kings fan, McDavid doing McDavid things depresses me. As an American, watching your TV ads from SN streams makes me incredibly sad and it feels right y'all getting a proper win in the face of so much cultural/national nonsense. But for real, anyone but McDavid. Thanks
Good luck boys, hope it's one for the ages.What a game! Go Canada! McJesus!