"Chat GPT told me that it *can't* alter its data set but it did say it could simulate what it would be like if it altered it's data set"
@futurebird Not at face value, no.
But it can actually be pretty good at metacognition, much better than your average human, once it’s pointed in the right direction.
Since current AI’s assist with the training of next generation AI’s, I think there’s a high likelihood of a positive feedback cycle. I don’t think anyone knows where the limit is.
When you say "a positive feedback cycle" ...towards what? What is the feedback and what is it going towards positively?
@futurebird The thing everyone should remember is that neural networks are sometimes good at 'doing' the thing they were trained to do, but the GPTs of the world were not trained to produce correct output, they were trained to produce output that is convincing. If they convince you, be wary
I once saw someone who asked their ostensibly locally hosted llm if it was on their machine, and it said no, and they believed it
@cxxvii @futurebird Well, to be clear, the issue isn't the training. A lot of stuff is thrown into the latest training methods to try to make them more accurate. The much more fundamental problem isn't the training, but the actual mechanism itself which -- no matter how good or accurate the training -- simply can't reliably produce the correct output.
@cxxvii @futurebird Well, to be clear, the issue isn't the training. A lot of stuff is thrown into the latest training methods to try to make them more accurate. The much more fundamental problem isn't the training, but the actual mechanism itself which -- no matter how good or accurate the training -- simply can't reliably produce the correct output.
Thank you.
It's like making a machine designed to show people objects that look just like airplanes... and expecting those planes to have engines and be able fly.
But, you never set out to make a program to design machines for flight. Just a program that would show people photos, videos, plans, descriptions that match their *expectations* of airplanes.
@cxxvii @futurebird Well, to be clear, the issue isn't the training. A lot of stuff is thrown into the latest training methods to try to make them more accurate. The much more fundamental problem isn't the training, but the actual mechanism itself which -- no matter how good or accurate the training -- simply can't reliably produce the correct output.
@nazokiyoubinbou @cxxvii @futurebird The way that I think about it is "Getting a correct answer doesn't say very much about the likelihood of generating a correct answer in the future."
Thank you.
It's like making a machine designed to show people objects that look just like airplanes... and expecting those planes to have engines and be able fly.
But, you never set out to make a program to design machines for flight. Just a program that would show people photos, videos, plans, descriptions that match their *expectations* of airplanes.
@futurebird @cxxvii Right. I make this differentiation because A. I want to be clear that no matter how they might advertise this or that method is more accurate, it will always fail due to the underlying issue and B. some people think the tech just isn't fully developed, but its underlying mechanism can NEVER improve without changing to something else entirely.
(Well, as a side note, many do actually make an effort to train in more accuracy, just, the fundamental issue always comes back to bite them. They legit are trying, it just can't work.)
I actually started posting again on mastodon (2021-22?) because I was so riled up about aihype and how many people were so deeply fooled about what LLMs are.
(For passersby) Some things it seems people have a really hard time grokking are that there are no necessary relations between any training set + prompt combo and a particular result. There is no way to predict what the output will be or to backtrace why the output was what it was.
But, at the same time, the synthetic text is not merely random in relation to the training set + prompt combo. The synthetic text is random within a certain distribution. Humans are terrible at thinking about statistics and aihype plays off of that.
The above does not make LLMs uniquely useful. It makes LLMs uniquely useless. If there's a use-case that LLMs are actually, reliably good at I haven't heard of it.
Today I relaxed by watching this interview with @emilymbender and it's almost painful to watch the hosts's faces as she systematically undercuts just about every use case.
@nazokiyoubinbou @cxxvii @futurebird The way that I think about it is "Getting a correct answer doesn't say very much about the likelihood of generating a correct answer in the future."
@griotspeak @nazokiyoubinbou @cxxvii @futurebird A way I've found helpful to explain to people is:
No matter how much they dial it in, it will ALWAYS be at least a little better at making an answer that sounds right than an answer that is right. -
@futurebird Not at face value, no.
But it can actually be pretty good at metacognition, much better than your average human, once it’s pointed in the right direction.
Since current AI’s assist with the training of next generation AI’s, I think there’s a high likelihood of a positive feedback cycle. I don’t think anyone knows where the limit is.
@marshray @futurebird The problem is that it's good at predicting what metacognition should look like, better than your average human who hasn't read the internet's worth of documents on metacognition.
That doesn't mean that it's actually good at metacognition.
(For passersby) Some things it seems people have a really hard time grokking are that there are no necessary relations between any training set + prompt combo and a particular result. There is no way to predict what the output will be or to backtrace why the output was what it was.
But, at the same time, the synthetic text is not merely random in relation to the training set + prompt combo. The synthetic text is random within a certain distribution. Humans are terrible at thinking about statistics and aihype plays off of that.
The above does not make LLMs uniquely useful. It makes LLMs uniquely useless. If there's a use-case that LLMs are actually, reliably good at I haven't heard of it.
Today I relaxed by watching this interview with @emilymbender and it's almost painful to watch the hosts's faces as she systematically undercuts just about every use case.
I have found one use case. Although, I wonder if it's cost effective. Give an LLM a bunch of scientific papers and ask for a summary. It makes a kind of nice summary to help you decide what order to read the papers in.
It's also OK at low stakes language translation.
I also tried to ask it for a vocabulary list for the papers. Some of it was good but it had a lot of serious but subtile and hard to catch errors.
It's kind of like a gaussian blur for text.
When you say "a positive feedback cycle" ...towards what? What is the feedback and what is it going towards positively?
And also
> it can actually be pretty good at metacognition, much better than your average human
warrants a giant [citation needed] flag, because the point @futurebird is making is that they are not even doing cognition, let alone metacognition.
At best, they emit word sequences that are shaped sorta like the word sequences that come out when metacognition happens in an actually cogitating thing like a person
Chat GPT will say things if you ask it what it did, the answers will be similar to texts it has processed about describing how things are done, some in the context of describing how a computer program might do something.
It might even give you a good run down of how LLMs work mixed in there, it might not. But it's not able to ... interrogate it's own process this simply isn't possible. It's not part of how it's designed.
@futurebird I think a lot of people are really bad at reasoning about this kind of thing* in general, even before LLMs, and the LLMentalist effect on top of that really sucks them in.
* = multi-layer self-referential language about provenance of language, epistemology, etc.
@marshray @futurebird The problem is that it's good at predicting what metacognition should look like, better than your average human who hasn't read the internet's worth of documents on metacognition.
That doesn't mean that it's actually good at metacognition.
@AT1ST @futurebird “It’s not actually doing X, it’s just generating text that’s indistinguishable from doing X.”
is classic human cope.The ability to produce text as it “should look like” is a thing that humans get accredited degrees and good paying jobs for demonstrating.
Good enough is almost always better than perfect, and 80% is usually good enough.
@futurebird I think a lot of people are really bad at reasoning about this kind of thing* in general, even before LLMs, and the LLMentalist effect on top of that really sucks them in.
* = multi-layer self-referential language about provenance of language, epistemology, etc.
@futurebird I kinda think the best mental model normies (non-mathematicians/logicians) can easily grasp for LLMs is a cheating partner. For every thing you say, it's going to gaslight you with the most plausible sounding response it can come up with. None of these responses necessarily have anything to do with reality. They're all just chosen based on the likelihood you'll accept them as sounding true.
@AT1ST @futurebird “It’s not actually doing X, it’s just generating text that’s indistinguishable from doing X.”
is classic human cope.The ability to produce text as it “should look like” is a thing that humans get accredited degrees and good paying jobs for demonstrating.
Good enough is almost always better than perfect, and 80% is usually good enough.
And also
> it can actually be pretty good at metacognition, much better than your average human
warrants a giant [citation needed] flag, because the point @futurebird is making is that they are not even doing cognition, let alone metacognition.
At best, they emit word sequences that are shaped sorta like the word sequences that come out when metacognition happens in an actually cogitating thing like a person
@trochee @futurebird OK, so you just “emitted a word sequence shaped sorta like the word sequences that comes out when metacognition happens.”
And since it’s an argument we’ve all seen before, I can just dismiss your “word sequence” out-of-hand.
See how that works?
@futurebird I kinda think the best mental model normies (non-mathematicians/logicians) can easily grasp for LLMs is a cheating partner. For every thing you say, it's going to gaslight you with the most plausible sounding response it can come up with. None of these responses necessarily have anything to do with reality. They're all just chosen based on the likelihood you'll accept them as sounding true.
Maybe but that still implies some kind of organization of concepts beyond just through language or the shape of their output.
I don't see any reason why it should be impossible to design a program with concepts, that could do something like reasoning ... you might even use an LLM to make the output more human readable.
Though I guess this metaphor works in that to the extent there is a "goal" it's to "make it pass" rather than to convey any idea or express anything.
@futurebird @AT1ST The temptation to do that is great.
I try to recognize when I’m posting reflexively and not hit ‘Publish’, because it feels like those posts are largely not adding value.
@AT1ST @futurebird “It’s not actually doing X, it’s just generating text that’s indistinguishable from doing X.”
is classic human cope.The ability to produce text as it “should look like” is a thing that humans get accredited degrees and good paying jobs for demonstrating.
Good enough is almost always better than perfect, and 80% is usually good enough.
@marshray @AT1ST @futurebird This is a little like claiming that MENACE actually understands how to play noughts and crosses because it behaves in a way that's indistinguishable from understanding how to play noughts and crosses: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matchbox_Educable_Noughts_and_Crosses_Engine
Does the distinction matter during a game? No. Does that mean it doesn't matter at all? Absolutely not.
@trochee @futurebird OK, so you just “emitted a word sequence shaped sorta like the word sequences that comes out when metacognition happens.”
And since it’s an argument we’ve all seen before, I can just dismiss your “word sequence” out-of-hand.
See how that works?
Do not try the Chinese Room gambit with me, for I was there when the deep magic was written
@trochee @futurebird OK, so you just “emitted a word sequence shaped sorta like the word sequences that comes out when metacognition happens.”
And since it’s an argument we’ve all seen before, I can just dismiss your “word sequence” out-of-hand.
See how that works?