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Twitch’s new storage limits will purge huge swaths of Internet gaming history
This post did not contain any content.While I don’t particularly care about this specific thing, I have read articles and what not suggesting that the times we live in…. In the future, are going to be similar to the dark ages because their won’t be much data that survives from all of these companies deleting everything… MySpace is another example… geocities before it…. We have paper zines that were printed in small quantities from before the internet was around, but stuff on the internet just disappears… I think that’s why they even started the internet archive.
I mean, maybe? They have 'til April it seems. Time to make `yt-dlp` work overtime I guess....
This post did not contain any content.A hot and uneducated take: nothing of value will be lost. Nobody will ever go searching through a defunct twitch account's 142 hours of Minecraft speedrun attempts. If it's valuable, back it up locally
>In announcing the change, Twitch cited the "costly" indefinite storage of these highlights, which it says are responsible for "less than 0.1% of hours watched" across the site. I don't know how many hours are watched on Twitch, but I bet it's so many that 0.1% is still a fuckton of hours.it definitely is and I bet a lot of the people that are watching them are spending more money on the site than many other people because they are so dedicated to a content creator.
Especially for smaller communities. I'm sure that MC and Ocarina of Time will be able to save everything they need but so many small communities will probably loose most of their records. Loosing so much knowledge in the process.
Who gets to decide what’s valuable?There's definitely a spectrum, but I would hope creators themselves could do that.
VODs do expire automatically, but Twitch has explicitly said in the past that if you want to archive something, highlight it. Highlights WERE meant for storage. So this feels like they're suddenly reneging on that.Well this is only for accounts with over 100 hours of highlights. If you have more, you either are abusing it or doing this semi seriously and should consider backing up actual highlights. Videos are massive and nothing is free. Storage costs. People should backup stiff they care about.
It basically started out as a literal cloud for "everything else" in network diagrams.And they only switched from using a black box to a cloud so it was less scary looking for the marketing types
it definitely is and I bet a lot of the people that are watching them are spending more money on the site than many other people because they are so dedicated to a content creator.Yeah, maybe. A lot of that is also probably people that put up someone's 80 hour Minecraft vod on repeat to fall asleep to
A hot and uneducated take: nothing of value will be lost. Nobody will ever go searching through a defunct twitch account's 142 hours of Minecraft speedrun attempts. If it's valuable, back it up locally> nothing of value will be lost I'd argue the opposite: there's actually a lot of stuff out there that's actually interesting: old-school lets-players who'd have done actual informative playthroughs of games. It's kind of a dying art, but it's also exactly the kind of content that's going to get purged by this kind of action. It's interesting to spend, say, 10 hours watching some guy play Sierra games and actually talk through shit about the game and whatnot, and it'd be a shame to have that vanish. But not entirely unexpected since that's not profitable content in the way that the current morons babbling about bullshit reaction videos, totally-not-camgirls totally not showing their tits, and whatever other brainrot nonsense most of twitch is. (Also alt-right propaganda, but eh.)
A hot and uneducated take: nothing of value will be lost. Nobody will ever go searching through a defunct twitch account's 142 hours of Minecraft speedrun attempts. If it's valuable, back it up locallyI think this can be true for large swaths of the information that will be lost, but there's also a lot that will be lost that nobody is currently backing up. For instance: 1. Recordings people think are backed up simply because they're misinformed, only to realize all their old, say, childhood gaming videos are now lost forever 2. Clips that show damning behavior about a popular public figure that weren't caught before, but could become evidence in a future investigation 3. Clips previously thought to not be relevant, that then become relevant later on for some kind of general historical context (e.g. Campaigns started trying to figure out if something was in a game at a given time in a game with very little actual software backed up, devlog streams that contained lost features that could explain why a game then developed the way it is today, etc)
I once received 1TB free 'lifetime' storage from a hoster. After gladly using it for 5 years, I suddenly had to start paying €5 per month because "they could not maintain the operating costs".Attract people with free, then try to charge them when you reach sufficiently large user numbers. Tale as old as the tech bubble.
Attract people with free, then try to charge them when you reach sufficiently large user numbers. Tale as old as the tech bubble.Well to be honest; the original hoster was amazing. But they got bought by a big hosting group and it turned to shit after that.
This post did not contain any content.The people complaining about this in the article are largely hysterical and delusional. Perfect embodiment of 'always online' brain. They genuinely believe Twitch is some kind of public good, some kind of default level of infrastructure like plumbing, that just works, forever, with no problems, because magic. Hosting videos almost no one watches is a waste of money, and deleting them is among the least worst things Twitch can do to keep the lights on. Twitch is a massive loss leader in a hyperprofit oriented conglomerate megacorp, in a shit-tier economy thats primed to become a burning-dumpster-of-shit-tier economy very soon. Amazon is giving people months of warning. But people are _freaking out._ .... If you want to save some videos... go buy a 1 or 2 or 4 TB HDD, internal or external, and start saving shit to it. 4 TB HDDs look like they're going for between roughly $80 to $150, or about 4 to 8 chipotle burritos delivered via personal chauffeur. The vast majority of Twitch streams and thus highlights are in 1080p, 60fps, 6K bitrate. Thats roughly 4.5 GB per hour, and thats rounding up. These people complaining about 'oh it'd be a full time job to save 5,000 of footage'... Come on. Thats 6 of those 4 TB HDDs, for 5000 hours. https://github.com/ihabunek/twitch-dl This has been around since 2018, and there are batch downloader clis that people have built off of it. You wanna save 5000 hours of your shit? Buy some HDDs, learn how to run some python. ... The level of entitlement is ... just comical, basically. The alternatives Twitch would be looking at, instead of reducing cost by axing tons of videos almost no one watches, would be things like: Making watching streaming in higher resolutions/frame rates a premium tier cost for viewers, Dramatically amping up the presence of unskippable advertisements, Dramatically altering the revenue splits from ad revenue and how much of a streamer subscribers payment actually goes to the streamer, Or keeping that split the same but jacking up viewer costs.
While I don’t particularly care about this specific thing, I have read articles and what not suggesting that the times we live in…. In the future, are going to be similar to the dark ages because their won’t be much data that survives from all of these companies deleting everything… MySpace is another example… geocities before it…. We have paper zines that were printed in small quantities from before the internet was around, but stuff on the internet just disappears… I think that’s why they even started the internet archive.I don't care if its seen as entitled as someone else said. If companies want to make money as a monopoly they should be held to a higher standard. They have to give us a bonus for selling data, why else am I going to use their service. Regardless I do think it is a sign of the times, going dark on data will do nobody besides oligarchs any good.
>In announcing the change, Twitch cited the "costly" indefinite storage of these highlights, which it says are responsible for "less than 0.1% of hours watched" across the site. I don't know how many hours are watched on Twitch, but I bet it's so many that 0.1% is still a fuckton of hours.Hours watched != Hours stored. Any number of either is going to be huge for Twitch... but this is a no brainer, if a huge chunk of your costs don't even generate a significant amount of views, muchless actual revenue... yeah it makes sense to stop making storing them. You've probably got something that looks like the US income distrobution chart, probably evennmore extreme, for # of videos vs # view time, ie:  Replace the x axis with 'videos by watchtime percentile' and the y axis with 'actual watchtime'.
Well to be honest; the original hoster was amazing. But they got bought by a big hosting group and it turned to shit after that.Ah, the slightly different strategy of offer a great deal to lure in the user count, and then sell it to someone else who will turn on the monetization.