@futurebird When I touch type, I don't think in letters. Nor words, really. I just think what I want to write, and my fingers go "yeah, sure, ok, we'll get that done, boss!". I spent quite a bit of time to train my muscle memory, and once my fingers knew how to type, I promptly forgot where keys are.
Thus, I couldn't draw my layout, 'cos I've got no clue. I remember parts of it, but... it's muscle memory that's typing. If I need to recall it, that's going to be hard.
This can lead to funny scenarios when I misalign my hands, and end up typing a lot of text a row or column off, or if I need to use someone else's keyboard (in which case I usually just give up, and ask them to type, because hunt and pecking with two fingers and looking at the keyboard all the time is slow).