True, they'd have been so much better. Though the enchanting hack in Oblivion led to some *fun.* I don't remember exactly how we used to do it, but you could glitch and artificially inflate your enchant skill and make a bow and set of arrows (that you could dupe glitch later to get more) with like 50,000 combined frost damage, and when you got a hit it would launch the target clear into the sky lol.
Truth be told I didn't care for Skyrim.
A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
Skyrim was 'personally rebalanced' by producer Jeff Gardiner just 2 weeks before launch: 'Well, I hope this is good' -
Skyrim was 'personally rebalanced' by producer Jeff Gardiner just 2 weeks before launch: 'Well, I hope this is good'That's what Morrowind is for. "Wanna be ostensibly a god? Ok! Here, you can levitate and endlessly smoke n'wahs from the heavens. We'll call you [Nerevar]("