oof good answer

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What's your favorite FPS weapon? -
GameStop selling 500+ stores because of "woke".Again I 100% agree however.. The dude who saw it at $7 and said it was gonna pop, doubled down after $400 and still believes it'll pop again. He knew the first time, he's smarter than me, he didn't sell. I am still in the green by like more than double where I was at the start. I'm gonna continue with my gut and believe this dude knows something I don't because so far he hasn't made me think otherwise. Everything else literally anything else besides what I said in this post is noise to me you know? -
GameStop selling 500+ stores because of "woke".But that's not what we're talking about. GameStop's success has nothing to do with what I'm waiting for. The stock isn't up because GameStop is a good company. In fact the opposite Watch the Big Short easiest way to really explain. The stock was worth $7 then $400 then stock split. If the split never happened the stock would be worth $100 and that isn't because of the fundamental regular stock reasons it's because the dying company didn't die and now their valuation is fucked up. -
GameStop selling 500+ stores because of "woke".Disagree with that. The company is dumb and Cohen failed in trying to make something out of it don't really care about that but I do have GameStop stock from the GME shitshow and there's no bags anywhere at least for most of us. If the stock split never happened the stock would be worth $100 a share right now. Obviously something is wrong with that value estimation because it's definitely not worth that much. I really just threw in my covid check but what really made me think it's still worth is the original guy who saw value when the stock was worth less than $7 doubled his position and still to this day is holding on. He knows more than me and he saw this happening and probably sees something else too that I don't understand so whatever I'm still holding a good amount of GME. -
D&D Beyond is garbage post 2024 update lolI hate playing with people who insist on using beyond