@futurebird Thanks for the heads up. For what it's worth, I'm happy for people to use this if they want:
"Human biology is not limited to two sexes. Instead it is a continuum with two broadly recognised groupings of male and female. There are people who exist beyond these groups and between these groups.
Furthermore, there is no reliable way to distinguish between the two main groups. Presence or absence of genitalia, chromosomal makeup, or hormone levels are all highly variable and can provide ambiguous or contradictory evidence.
Since the way that people interact with the world is more important than an arbitrary statement of "assigned sex at birth", let people identify as the gender of their choice, and be free of governmental interventions. "

A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
Leave a short public comment saying that people should use their gender not "assigned sex at birth" on their passport.