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Astronomers have detected an X-ray signal from the very center of the Helix Nebula, at the site of its central white dwarf star.
Astronomers don't know what dark matter is, only that it's most of the mass of the Universe and doesn't interact with regular matter and energy, or itself.
A rotating black hole contains an enormous amount of energy, which an advanced civilization could hope to harness with up to 29% efficiency.
Astronomers have used JWST to image a bizarre ultra-hot Neptune exoplanet, revealing a dramatic difference in its hemispheres.
There are plenty of binary asteroids and Kuiper Belt Objects, but add a third object to the mix and things get unstable.
NASA's New Horizons mission flew past Pluto and later the Kuiper Belt Object Arrokoth.
When new stars form, they gather an accretion disk of gas and dust around them, eventually turning into planets.
About 14 million years ago, the Solar System flew through the Orion star-forming complex - home of the Orion Nebula - which might have compressed the heliosphere, allowing more interstellar dust to reach Earth.
Any satellite launched into space has to handle Earth's gravity and the rigors of launch until it can finally arrive in the weightless environment it was built for.
Neutrinos are produced by fusion reactions in the Sun, passing effortlessly through its dense interior.
The Milky Way has about 5 times as much dark matter compared to its regular matter, but what form does it take?
In even the smallest backyard telescope, you can see the prominent ice caps at both of Mars's poles.
Magnetars are a type of neutron star with the most powerful magnetic fields in the universe.
Mars is the "Red Planet" because of its red soil, and it was long believed that it was caused by the same chemical process that creates rust on Earth, emerging from dry conditions on Mars.