@adriano @futurebird if someone mentions stardew valley beds all I can think of is the mod I saw someone using that turned every bed in the game into a reclining, nude, muscular, hairy, fully erect man

Is there any "stardew valley marriage mod" these nerdowells WON'T make? -
Walking through east midtown around Madison is like being in a luxury shopping mall: fancy stores like blocks of candy or inscrutable gadgets with shiny signs proclaiming brands: PRADA GUCCI you get the idea.@futurebird speaking of oughts, my mental picture of this is just literally a lonely island bit. Possibly the guys in the "we like sports" video trying to peacock
A "financial literacy" course for working professionals who are doing OK financially and not worried about money (and thus probably could tighten their budgets in substantial ways) but with the understanding that 2/3s of the money recovered by improvin...@futurebird one thing I did over the past couple of years, the first time in my life I haven't been barely scraping by, is pay down debt as aggressively as I could. My interest rate on my car was terrible (turns out that it's almost impossible to refinance a car that's 10 years old because most of the lenders, including the ones that bombard you with refinance offers, refuse to even consider it) so I just ignored the official monthly payment and paid as much as I could afford every month. Got it paid off in two years instead of the six it was contracted for and now I can just save that money for the next four
A "financial literacy" course for working professionals who are doing OK financially and not worried about money (and thus probably could tighten their budgets in substantial ways) but with the understanding that 2/3s of the money recovered by improvin...@futurebird I've been putting money in a 401k with effectively zero trust that the market or capitalism itself will hold together well enough to ever see that money in the future. But I don't see the money in the first place so if it ever amounts to something that will be a nice little surprise for future me.
I guess it's like buying lottery tickets. I'm taking a long shot on society remaining solvent and even if I don't expect it to happen it's nice to dream