@futurebird Also very similar are "partial Gauss sums". It's pure turtle geometry. You keep a count of the number of (constant length) steps you've taken and you turn by its square (or cube etc.) - suitably scaled.https://www.bennetyee.org/ucsd-pages/pub/Yee-IncGaussSum.pdf
@nervous_jessica I love your puzzles! A few years ago I got an Earth puzzle, and glued tiny magnets to the back of each piece. Now it lives on the wall in my office, and occasionally I pull it down and reconfigure it.
@jakemiller But that kind of learning happens fast if you already have the general picture. My mom is in her 90s. Eight years ago she said "I don't get this gender stuff." But, because of her basic framework for understanding how power operates she "got it" in a few hours. And in a few months it was just another part of the landscape. Does that make sense?
@vikxin I have seen USB cables being used that had no right to work at all... USB cables that ought to be classified as campfire starters not cables. Covered in tape... the ends dangling from threaded copper... the mysteriously split cable... the .... the KNOTS... I don't know how it happens... the horror...
@futurebird No it is just a fact that when I don't understand people it is to deliberately make them furious with me.That is the only possible reason because everybody wants that, right? People are so clever when they suss my agenda to be universally hated, no sir they aren't fools.