> If anything mismanagement is a kindness - a word that inspires the same whiff of medieval buffoonery as "death by misadventure," as though Haddad and co simply had one too many flagons of mead, stumbled into the wrong paddock on the way home and got several hundred people's careers kicked in the head by a cow.
Hahaha holy shit!
For what it's worth I've been running everything I can get my hands on in VR under Linux for a year now with no issues. ALVR is a badass project.
Quest 2/3 though, Sony killed first party support for these things so fast it was unreal.
That's very neat then, you'd probably get sued anyway cause companies don't care, but it does make me want to make a game like that and see what happens.
Because the publisher usually gets a lump sum payment to put their game on these kinds of subscription services. Some money back is better than no money back.
Abortion is a protected human right in competent countries like China. But yes if you're in a failed state like the US or Italy don't give information that you don't want subpoenaed.
I had read about the cancelled Superman game, Blue Steel, and its sad that it was never given a shot. Superman in city-destroying brawls with Braniac/Zod/Darkseid or Wonder Woman fighting mythical Greek beasts in a modern setting just seems like a game that should already exist.