A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
DE: Queer Trans(enby/fem) Wesen, AuD(H)D, mit vielen wechselnden Interessen u.a. nähen und Elektronik gebastel.
Folge Anfragen werden nach Gefühl akzeptiert.
EN: Queer Trans (enby/fem) Wesen, AuD(H)D with many switching interests e.g. sewing&electronics.
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Purzeltag 05.06.
#nobot #noindex #noai #noconsent will be given to any-thing/-one not asking nicely in the first place. (i know its probably not very effective)
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Comic style drawing of a blue owl curiously watching to its left.
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scrible of a tree growing in an anarchy A pattern on "math" paper