@badastro It's only been 15 years since Don't be a Dick? I feel like I've lost all sense of the passage of time. I could have sworn that was from, like, the early '00s.
I have AMAZING footage from the Blue Ghost lander as it descended to the lunar surface, and reminisce over my Don't Be a Dick talk on its 15th anniversary.about 4 hours ago -
Via Rupar:a day ago@jqheywood
Don't worry, we are. But it's bad PR to say so, and Trudeau is shockingly good at PR when he wants to be.
@GottaLaff -
The Jehovas just stopped by for a chat.5 days ago@matt
Man, it must take them forever to collect any information at the rate they go through their pitch. For a half hour of their time, they got one personal question in.Don't they know they're supposed to get me to install an app on my phone in exchange for a free sub if they want my personals?
The Jehovas just stopped by for a chat.5 days ago@matt
Yeah, I don't ever try to actually discuss much with them. For whatever reason, I just kind of gently egg them on.It both keeps them away from the neighbours, and also leads to hearing them occassionally say wild shit.
Plus, it's a good reminder that there are still crazy people out there who think enjoying "hard rock" is a sign of moral weakness.
One of these days it will result in them coming back to follow up - they always threaten to - but it hasn't happened yet.
The Jehovas just stopped by for a chat.5 days agoThe Jehovas just stopped by for a chat. I have such a mixed reaction whenever I see them. The interruption to my day is always jarring, but I've always found their song and dance kind of entertaining. Plus, for some reason my brain loves to "yes, and" them.
Today, I was totally thrown for a loop as my interlopers indirectly explained to me that they were biblical literalists, and saw a day close at hand where all of our ancestors were risen from the grave, and where death was no longer a thing.
Like, right here. On the planet. My mind is blown.
And people think the housing situation is bad *now*!
Hello everyone.8 days ago@soma_ Welcome! I hope the locals don't give you too much trouble. They can get restless at times.
Surely this new video won't make me seem like a crank.8 days ago@matt Yeah, but we know from just talking to people on here that most people have no idea the Local/Global feeds even exist.
I guess cranky haters may be trawling them, though.
Surely this new video won't make me seem like a crank.8 days ago@TechConnectify It's fascinating to me that you're getting similarly hostile "reply guy" behaviour from the BlueSky Discover feed as you've been getting here, where there's no such feed.
I'm guessing the experiences are qualitatively different. But if not, it speaks volumes about how many people react to *anything* they don't expect to see in their feed.
Test Two9 days ago@mrjafo It's filtering through to Mastodon, though. Interesting.
Just testing federation12 days ago@mrjafo
One more test -
Just testing federation12 days ago@mrjafo
Yup -
Just testing federation12 days ago@mrjafo
Another test -
Just testing federation12 days ago@mrjafo
Do I need to keep the handle in the reply? -
Just testing federation12 days agoAre you receiving now?
Just testing federation12 days ago@mrjafo
Hello Mr. Jafo -
Just testing federation12 days agoHello, Mr. Jafo
Reverse murder hobos.19 days ago@Aknorals The necromancers have hired a PR firm, I see.
I love it when TTRPG campaigns get animated clips.20 days agoI love it when TTRPG campaigns get animated clips. Here's something from Narrative Declaration's play through of Starfinder: Junker's Delight.
@testing21 days agoTesting from Mastodon