WoD is built around actually engaging tho. Like, i have spent almost an entire 4 hour session on a lecture and then debate on the fundamentals of reality as a mage. Not even the good(-ish) dnds encourage you to stop and think about anything but the next combat.
I mean, i haven't tried creating a party to kill Lucifer, but with only 38 touch ac and 3d6+28 damage on his Trident, i probably could. His saves are only in the 30s too. I've definitely got some ideas, if we include mythic then i think i could make an oracle that makes everyone immortal.
There was an excellent greentext from forever ago about a group who all independently rolled up their characters before session1 and somehow all rolled barbarians which leads to the creation of the muscle wizards who had spells such as:
Sleep - Hit the target on the head with a stick
The aspect of "board game" we care about here is the way they have a set path that you follow, as opposed to an RPG where the players and GM create the path
Imagine living in an RPG verse where all the players have superpowers, but all the NPCs can get them to do whatever they want by calling it a "quest". And also can pay with premium currency. Seriously, how is the kid asking me to feed ducks paying in primogems?
I don't think Conan is a D&D barbarian because (at least in the Howard stories) he does not go into a state of battle rage and his fighting style is not characterized by a focus on offense at the expense of defense. I'd play him as a pure Fighter with stealth expertise.
I was gonna suggest he'd play Pathfinder, but actually i think he'd talk about playing Pathfinder before going to a 5e game and doing exactly what you said