That's exactly my point, you are taking the stance that people didn't buy alan wake because it wasn't on steam, to a degree that's true, i'm saying that i think a larger proportion didn't buy it specifically because it **was** on EGS.
If it were released as a game you could buy and play sans-platform, then i'd agree with you. It'd certainly see less sales than a steam release, because steam is where everyone is.
My stance is basically if you remove steam entirely, Standalone Sales > EGS. Add steam back in and you get Steam > Standalone > EGS
Think in terms of food, you're basically saying the it's the fault of the 3.5 star monopolistic countrywide chain fast food place that nobody want's to eat at the recently health-inspection-failing 1 star food-poisoning cafe.
Is there a monopoly, sure, is the competition so bad people avoid it regardless of the monopoly, also yes.
If you were using something like GOG as an example, i'd fully agree with you, but EGS has seemingly infinite funds and they **still** managed to release something so bad nobody wants to use it, even for "free" games.
It's not even just the platform, epic as a company have a reputation, so they have to also overcome that, which they have not.
> That’s a terrifying amount of power that people aren’t bothered by
Historically there's been no need to be worried, generally, i agree that's not ideal, but again name a viable comparable alternative.
> even though we’re talking about company that’s smug about selling gambling to children.
You mean as opposed to the company that actually lost a class action regarding loot boxes in their game targeted at children?
You aren't even wrong about this but "People don't buy games from this company who famously lost a lawsuit regarding gambling targeted at kids because this other company who also do sketchy kids gambling things are ..better at PR?" isn't a convincing argument.
Everyone should be better at this, but they aren't.
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Dutch consumer foundation sues Sony for overpricing digital PlayStation games -
Dutch consumer foundation sues Sony for overpricing digital PlayStation gamesI will preface this with : I have many games that are not in steam that I play regularly, I understand this isn't the norm, I have **zero** paid games in EGS and outside of checking the platform I never use it. Alan wake on EGS is a terrible example to support your claim. It's like being upset that a fancy new car hasn't recouped costs when it's only available in 4 custom made dealers that are only open half the time and the manufacturer refuses to allow it to be sold in all the places people normally buy cars. Sure, that is certainly a choice but it's a choice that would have been part of the risk assessment before the money was sunk. Steam does have a monopoly, because it works and there isn't anything better. There is a bit of resistance to switching, most game libraries are in steam because **it's been the best option for a very long time.** If EGS worked well and epic (outside of unreal engine) wasn't such a shitshow the platform would be fine. It's doesn't and they aren't so it's not. It can't compete on features, support or stability so it tried exclusivity, that hasn't worked out for them. Steam has its own shit, sure, that percentage is some apple level monopolist bullshit. Name a comparable, viable alternative?