@futurebird @CptSuperlative @emilymbender Porting code - small blocks at a time - is the only really useful use-case I've found so far. But at that, it's pretty great: requires a few tries with feedback until "we" get something that compiles and works, but I can port #Python to #Rust that way "easily", so long as I can check each little piece to make sure it compiles and produces the correct output along the way.

A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
"Chat GPT told me that it *can't* alter its data set but it did say it could simulate what it would be like if it altered it's data set" -
One reason I prefer trains over planes…@futurebird @davidho Has he built something similar? Pics pics pics????
One reason I prefer trains over planes…@futurebird @davidho One of the obsessions in the back of my head for the past few years: An ebike tow-able solar camper/micro-house boat with a minimal trailer assembly that packs onboard along with the bike.
I think it's possible. I built a *road-bike* towable bike camper some years ago and lived out of it entirely for more than half a year.
And yes, your husband would be happy that the bike was often stored inside the trailer. One day I'll build the amphibious version.