@julian @johnonolan @angus @evan 301/308 aren’t cacheable/idempotent over the Accept header and are meant to permanently update old identifiers. consider 303 See Other for content negotiation purposes, or consider rel=alternate type=… Link headers otherwise.

Recommend object URL should 301 to AP resource -
How to subscribe to a thread?@silverpill @julian Yes, you've said as much in those discussions, but everything you've said depends on this idea of an "actor" that isn't coherent. On one hand, you seem to be arguing that outbox+inbox is all you need to duck-type an actor, but then you don't actually do anything with this concept of an actor except saying that "it can perform activities". So an actor is the range of the `actor` property? Okay, so what? No behaviors depend on this. It is a tautological definition.
How to subscribe to a thread?@silverpill @julian how is "the entire network built around the idea"? why do you have this idea of an actor that necessarily maps to a user?
from https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#actors we see that:
> ActivityPub does not dictate a specific relationship between "users" and Actors
so why introduce the concept of "observers" and then prevent users from knowing what they are following? Why the avoidance of calling a conversation a Conversation, and why the artificial limitation of not being able to follow one?