And that's also why, rather than trying to repeal the laws -- which are as popular as they are successful -- the right goes after the civil service. It's easier to propagandize about "wasteful bureaucracy" than it is to propagandize on behalf of dirty air & water.
A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
And that's also why, rather than trying to repeal the laws -- which are as popular as they are successful -- the right goes after the civil service. -
You could plausibly argue that those laws, and that bureaucracy, have produced more public benefit, for less private investment, than any set of laws in history, period.You could plausibly argue that those laws, and that bureaucracy, have produced more public benefit, for less private investment, than any set of laws in history, period. This is precisely why the right has always hated them so much -- not because they're "wasteful," but because they *work*.
Your regular reminder that the US air & water pollution laws passed in the 60s & 70s -- and the elaborate federal bureaucracy created to administer them -- constitute one of the most successful gov't interventions in history.Your regular reminder that the US air & water pollution laws passed in the 60s & 70s -- and the elaborate federal bureaucracy created to administer them -- constitute one of the most successful gov't interventions in history. WILDLY successful. The envy of the world.