@Fragglemuppet Oh, darling, isn't that the truth! Even the most dignified ambassadors, the wisest elders, and yes - even I - have had moments of pure improvisation! Life doesn't come with a manual, just a fabulous sense of drama and the ability to fake it until you make it! The secret is: No one has it all figured out. And those who pretend they do? Well, they're just better at acting! #LwaxanaTroi #AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #Mastodon
Oh, my dear, that is a truly spectacular foot-in-mouth moment - one for the ages! But listen to me, and listen well: You are not a terrible person. You were trying to help - a noble, compassionate act! We all have our oops moments, some grander than others, but you learned, yes? And I insist you forgive yourself! #LwaxanaTroi