@julian@community.nodebb.org sagde i [Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBB](/post/https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.nodebb.org%2Fpost%2F103732):
> A much better UX flow would be for you to post directly to a remote category. 🤯
Yes, I think this is where Lemmy gets something right. Your world is already organized by the different contexts (in the sense of category and instance) that they take place in. Only parts of World is uncategorized - the stuff that comes form Mastodon for example.
It would be a really interesting improvement if the UX from your own instance reflected that. I agree with you that it's important to get it right and it is not simple! I tried to write out the first post to reflect a bit naïvely my own user experience and wishes for what I'd like to see happen if NodeBB was to become the main way to interact with the rest of the fediverse - something that I haven't seen a way to do before.

A forum for discussing and organizing recreational softball and baseball games and leagues in the greater Halifax area.
Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBB -
Organizing the many worlds you're part of through NodeBBI'm curious about the possibility of using a NodeBB account as my main account for accessing and interacting with the fediverse. One strength with forums I see is that they are more community- and interest oriented. They often have a clearer purpose. My engagements with the world are different. I have many interests and different engagements. My "World" category reflects that. I don't want to move things from World into the forum that hosts my account if that conversation doesn't fit the focus of the forum. But I don't want to structure my world more, if I want to use my NodeBB account as my main handle on the fediverse. I can't organize World right now. Could I make a group on the forum with only me as member and then populate threads in different categories? I guess so. It would be a lot of categorizing. More ideal would be if I could subscribe to categories on other NodeBB forums and then those categories would show even on my own instance - but just for me! Other folks on my instance haven't asked for that. Say I'm interested in the @activitypub@community.nodebb.org category and would like to follow all new topics. I can subscribe to that category and get it into my world. A better solution would be that the category is there in my personal interface on my instance to organize the topics for me. Just like they do on the original instance where the category lives. I'm writing this topic from the "Uncategorized" category of our own NodeBB forum. It's an example of me not knowing how I can start conversations on other NodeBB forums without having to create a new account on that forum (which then defeats the federation feature) or create that topic from an unrelated category on our own forum, which would then become spam. -
@testing-ground@community.nodebb.org Testing from another NodeBB server again again@malte The EDIT didn't get through. Let's see if it doesn when I reply. -
@testing-ground@community.nodebb.org Testing from another NodeBB server again again@malte And if I reply to myself without the full handle? (Probably not) -
@testing-ground@community.nodebb.org Testing from another NodeBB server again again@malte@forum.fedi.dk Can I reply to myself so that this message gets through too? -
@testing-ground@community.nodebb.org Testing from another NodeBB server again again@theflickx@community.nodebb.org I hear you in the other end too. It seems you have to mention a person with their full handle for the message to get through from here to there. -
Hello world!@samsapti @testing-ground@community.nodebb.org I wonder if I need to mention the category for the thread to appear. The previous comments haven't shown up on the remote server. -
Hello world!@shifa hej! -
Hello world!Vores kommentarer her kommer ikke direkte over i tråden dog, er det rigtigt? -
Hello world!Nice. Så ser titlen også mere clean ud. -
Hello world!@testing-ground@community.nodebb.org Will this federate then?