So long merry ant!
It's time that we began
to dig and pry, and dig pry
until we all get in again!
Like an ant on a wire -
Like an ant on a wireWell it worked? He's very friendly looking.
Like an ant on a wireRelease the queens who still have wings
Forget a perfect day of spring
we'll find the cracks, the cracks in everything...
that's how the ants get in. -
Like an ant on a wireIs there a market for Leonard Cohen lyrics rebranded to be ant-themed?
That question is moot. Market or no, there is an ant-shaped hole in the world of music and I must fill it.
Like an ant on a wireLike an ant on a wire
like Solenopsis spitting straight fire
I have tried
in my way
to haul leaf. -
Does anyone know a good supplier of ant farms might be?switched the video link to a simpler method. "tubs and tubes" is easier.
Does anyone know a good supplier of ant farms might be?Tar Heel ants is a pretty good for online shopping in the US. Unless you are fine with getting harvester ants. (they do make good pets, but they also sting)
Really it's often possible to catch an ant queen in the spring from your local native species.
It need not be an expensive hobby.
I got one for my husband and he loves it.There are many ways to do the tea, but maybe someday the fancy life will tempt you. It's a lot of fun.
@mansrLiteral landlords are oddly enough some of the lower tier offenders of "rent seeking" IMO which is more of a mentality than the simple act of collecting a rent.
Did you know that the wiki gala NYC (for the wikipedia) is ...Did you know that the wiki gala NYC (for the wikipedia) is ... tomorrow?
Check your talkpage for an invite.
I *might* go. I do need to give another exam so I might be too tired to go. But, it looks like such a fun event and there is a fashion show!
I got one for my husband and he loves it.I gave this to my husband and he said "at last" since it solves a real problem if you drink tea everyday: the pot never dries enough sitting on a little cloth upside down. This is much better.
But, then I had to think about what someone who discovered this object in NYC out of context in some horrible horde of objects from the ruins of the city might think in 2000 years? Would they ever work it out?
I got one for my husband and he loves it.You aren't the first person to get this correct, but you are correct! And this has gone on long enough I think. Yixing clay teapots are these well-loved objects for tea heads. Ideally you use them often to brew the same tea, but it's important to dry the pot and lid between uses. These little stands are the perfect size for a teapot and the lid placed upside down to dry between uses.
Yixingwares should not be washed with soap generally, just with boiling water.
I got one for my husband and he loves it.One of the better answers that still is not a correct answer.
I got one for my husband and he loves it.Uhhhh.
I got one for my husband and he loves it.Lord no.
I got one for my husband and he loves it.Nope. And I find the notion of such punny donuts deeply disturbing.
I got one for my husband and he loves it.Not for tamping down leaves and no one would want that. That's coffee people stuff... the "tamping" (and boy do they get into it... sheeesh)
I got one for my husband and he loves it.Oh no. Game over. Wow.
I got one for my husband and he loves it.Nope.
I got one for my husband and he loves it.Not with Pica around.